9 sept. 2015

Glitter Tears

 Glitter explosion!!! I am so fabulous I make people cry glitter! Haha...
Yeah, I wanted to try something glittery and saw this amazing idea on instagram (sorry, but I can't remember where).
Monica was (as always) willing to be my guinea pig so this is the result!
I'm quite happy with how it all turned out :)

Bloody Pussy

A few days ago I had some fun with face paint and Ana-Maria Gheorghe  (Modă, pe bune?) and this is the result. There are more on her blog, so you should visit it if you want to see the 'making of' process and a funny video with her that I filmed. :) Actually, I'm going to put the video at the end of this post, so go on her blog for the tutorial part (which is in romanian, sorry)!

8 sept. 2015

Man up!

Somebody told me to 'man up!' so...
I became a truck driver/Jesus/a man... haha

I had a looooot of fun doing this and after that, taking pictures. I want to try this on more women just to say how they would look like. Haha...

Still, I wouldn't date me, I'm really glad that I'm a woman and don't look like this. I wouldn't be a very attractive guy... haha.